Proposed Project

The S.C. Department of Environmental Services Bureau of Coastal Management (SCDES BCM) has received three (3) critical area permit applications submitted by Tarbox Court 2, LLC and Tarbox Court 3, LLC for erosion control structures located on and adjacent to the Sampit River at Lot C Front Street, end of Cannon Street, and Lots 232-235 Front Street, Georgetown, Georgetown County, South Carolina. 

Application HQ4-NYJZ-48DRA – (Tarbox Court 2, LLC) The applicant has requested to construct a bulkhead located at Lot C Front Street. The bulkhead is proposed to be 8’ high (above grade) by 154’ long and will be constructed at the Critical Area Line and landward of the High Tide Line (HTL). To view the proposed plans, please use this link.

Application HQ4-P1CS-TF74Y - (Tarbox Court 3, LLC) The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead located at the end of Cannon Street. The bulkhead is proposed to be 8’ high (above grade) by 256’ long and will be constructed at the Critical Area Line and landward of the High Tide Line (HTL). To view the proposed plans, please use this link.

Application HQ4-P1H1-Z52NC - (Tarbox Court 3, LLC) The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead located at Lots 232-235 Front Street. The bulkhead is proposed to be 8’ high (above grade) by 412’ long and will be constructed at the Critical Area Line and landward of the High Tide Line (HTL). To view the proposed plans, please use this link.

Community Engagement

Public Hearing

The SCDES BCM will hold an in-person public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Critical Area Permits on Monday, February 3, 5:00 p.m. The public hearing will be held at the Georgetown Council Chambers, located at 129 Screven St, Suite 213, Georgetown, SC 29440.

During the public hearing, SCDES BCM staff will provide a brief summary of the proposed application and will accept verbal comments for the record to be considered prior to making a final decision. This hearing is designed so that SCDES BCM staff can gather comments as to the merits of the project and consider all information when making a decision based on the Coastal Tidelands and Wetlands Act, Department regulations, and policies. 

What to Expect

The public hearing will consist of an overview of the project and the Department's regulatory authorities. The presentation will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will be followed by the formal public hearing.

To ensure the Department gathers all presented information and has an opportunity to hear all comments, direct questioning during the open comment portion of the public hearing will not be allowed. Written comments will continue to be accepted through the public notice webpage until Tuesday, February 18, 2025. SCDES BCM's final permit decision will be made available on this webpage and by email or mail to everyone on SCDES BCM’s mailing list who requested to be notified of the final Department decision.  

To submit written comments, please use the following links:

Application HQ4-NYJZ-48DRA
Application HQ4-P1CS-TF74Y
Application HQ4-P1H1-Z52NC


Anyone who plans to attend and/or participate in the public hearing should complete the registration form prior to February 3, 2025.

Contact Information

For technical information regarding the critical area permit application, please contact Tim White at