Tiered Installer Licensure

Transition to Tiered Licensure

Effective July 1, 2022, all installers licensed as master contractors with the Department became Tier 3 installers. Installers who were licensed but not as master contractors became Tier 2 installers.

All installers who will become Tier 2 installers and plan to install Standard 610, Specialized Onsite Wastewater Systems, will have 30 days, starting on July 1, 2022, to obtain their Tier 3 licensure. During this period, they may continue to install engineered systems while working to obtain the requirements necessary to be granted a Tier 3 license. After July 31, 2022, any installer who has not obtained a Tier 3 license will no longer be allowed to install Standard 610, Specialized Onsite Wastewater Systems. 

Tiered Licensing System for Onsite Wastewater (Septic) System Installers

As with the septic system pumper/hauler license, to become licensed as a septic system installer an examination must be taken and passed with a score of 80% or better. To schedule the in-person exam, please contact your local SCDES office.

The Department licenses the following tiers of installers:

  • Tier 1 Installer:
    • Can install all gravity-fed and fill-cap residential systems.
    • Must obtain 8 hours of continuing education units every 2 years.*
    • May self-inspect systems they have installed when directed by the Department.
  • Tier 2 Installer:
    • Can install all Tier 1 systems in addition to systems that require pumps, grease traps, curtain drains, elevated infiltration systems, mounded systems, and all commercial systems.
    • Must obtain 12 hours of continuing education units every 2 years.*
    • May self-inspect systems they have installed when directed by the Department.
  • Tier 3 Installer:
    • Can install all Tier 1 and 2 systems in addition to Standard 610, Specialized Onsite Wastewater Systems.
    • Must obtain 18 hours of continuing education units every 2 years.*
    • May self-inspect systems they have installed.
    • Must be bonded and insured.
    • To qualify for eligibility, you must be licensed as a septic system installer and actively installing in South Carolina for the previous 3 years with no pending or prior disciplinary or enforcement action involving onsite wastewater systems OR licensed as a septic system installer and actively installing out of state for 5 years with no pending or prior disciplinary or enforcement action involving onsite wastewater systems.