The Lead concentration data for the monitoring sites near the facility will be posted here after the sampling and monitoring data is checked to ensure all of the method requirements are met. Data values posted here may be changed if final Quality Assurance checks of the data indicate a preliminary reported value is inaccurate. All validated data will be stored in and available from the EPA National Air Quality database.

DHEC will operate samplers at several locations around the Johnson Controls facility to regularly collect particulate samples. The concentrations of Lead in the ambient air will be determined by using the Federal Reference Method for collection and analysis of the air samples. Starting in 2015, the samples will be analyzed by the EPA lead analysis contract laboratory in North Carolina. All sampling and quality assurance will be done by DHEC personnel.

Lead Monitoring Synopsis for Johnson Controls

Lead sampling around the JCI facility began prior to the start-up of facility operations in 2012. The samples may be collected more frequently than required by regulation (once every six days) to provide a more detailed indication of any impacts to ambient concentrations. If concentrations at any of the monitoring locations approach the level of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard, sampling will remain at the higher frequency until the problem is identified and addressed and the improvement is documented in the monitoring data. The monitors will be operated as part of the statewide ambient monitoring network.

Sampling is conducted at three fixed sites. The locations of the sampling sites were determined by using emissions modeling to identify the areas with the expected highest lead concentrations resulting from facility operations. The monitoring sites include the area with the maximum predicted concentration downwind of the facility, an area with the highest concentration of facility-related traffic, and an area that can indicate potential impacts near the Pee Dee River.

The 24-hour concentrations measured at each sampling site are averaged over three months for comparison to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard. The standard is met if the highest 3-month average in any 3-year period is no more than 0.15 micrograms per cubic meter.

JCI Court Settlement Agreement & Order

Lead Monitoring Data - 3 month rolling averages

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Lead Information

Report spills
